Brightening Up Your Extreme Designs One Bulb At A Time.

Lights by Extreme Design
Carnival of Lights

Brightening up your Extreme Designs One Bulb at A Time

Lights by Extreme Design has been creating high tech lighting displays for several years.  By combining lighting from yesteryear with today’s high tech computer controlled animation, Lights by Extreme Design creates displays that you and your family will remember for a lifetime.

Our staff includes talented designers, electricians, PR and Marketing people on hand to ensure the highest

quality event.  

Lights by Extreme Design can bring events to you. Whether decorating a home, designing a large walk

Morbi nisl eros, dignissim nec malesuada et convallis quis augue.

through or an even larger drive through, a wedding or a town, Lights by Extreme Design can provide it for you.  Take a look at some of our shows, or better yet, come see our shows.  Grab a Hot Chocolate and a cookie and begin making memories of a lifetime.